Whether or not it’s your favorite season, you’ve gotta admit that there’s something special about Summer. Something about its' warmth makes you want to slow down, offering an invitation to rest and recharge- preferably with an ocean view and drink in your hand. But Summer is more than just a restful slow down; she’s got a wild side too. Those longer days make you want to go on adventures, let loose, and tap into the energy of possibilities. Hot girl Summer is all about making the season what you want it to be. Here are some of the the things we love about Summer- from throwbacks to kickbacks and all:
Cotton Candy Skies and Nights
Nothing says Summer like a sour sip of carnival lemonade or the weightless bite of cotton candy. With the world slowly getting back to normal, we can’t wait to hop on a ferris wheel and enjoy the view.
Chillin' with Mother Nature
Warmer weather means beaches, hiking trails, and parks. Soaking up that sun is like instant serotonin. Remember when you were a kid and having free reign on the beach or backyard was paradise? Summer lets us reclaim that energy. Nothing hits reset like spending some time outside so grab your shoes and get going! And hey, if that’s not your vibe a rooftop bar counts too.
Showing off your glow
Summer fashion loves to show a little skin and we’re here for it. All that time you’ve put into your skincare and body care routine? Show off that return on investment! And we’re not just talking about the time you’ve put into applying creams, serums, and sprays. It’s all about the energy you’ve spent celebrating your body, embracing its beauty, and loving what you once may have criticized. There will always be people who push a certain idea of what kind of body looks best in a bathing suit or what kind of skin deserves to be out in the sun. But showing off your glow is about you, not about them, and that’s on that.
Bonfire Blowouts
Summer nights and s’mores? Say no more. The days may be hot but the nights can get chilly and nothing warms up the evening like a bonfire. Some of the best memories happen when your squad circles up around a fire and swaps stories so this is totally a Summer must. If you bring the marshmallows, we’ll bring the chocolate!
Hitting the Road
Nothing says Summer like a good old fashioned road trip. When we were little that meant piling into the car, listening to whatever music our parents played, and—if we’re honest— complaining most of the drive. But we’re grown now and we control the aux cord. Grab some girlfriends and take a trip for a weekend or week or several weeks because hey, there’s no time limit on Summer fun.
The dreaminess of Summer makes self-care easy if you allow yourself to lean into it. And that can be a really big “if”. It’s all about finding what balance looks like to you. So snooze those Slack notifications when work is done, make time for an afternoon walk if you can, and prioritize your Summer adventure. It’s out there we promise.